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Alizée and her story behind the music life - is this true?

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ALIZEE  her favorites tattoos A fairy, manga characters, writings ... Alizee are countless tattoos, imposing or discreet. But the singer has confessed to regret: the name of his ex Jérémy Chatelain, written in Arabic on his arm. Just a laser shot can arrange! When 'Alizée twirl on stage for the tour Dancing with the Stars or she portrays in her latest music video, we see only one thing: his many tattoos, colorful and vibrant. Recently interviewed by Le Parisien, the singer admits moreover not count! 'It's a way to remember the things that marked my life and the people who share it,' she says. Among her favorites tattoos, there is that of a small Tinkerbell, hidden in the small of her back: 'He has not aged and not really a work of art because the tattoo artist was not very good but I still love it because it's the first. ' But his favorite tattoo is the one she has inside of the arm and representing his daughter Annily, designed like a manga cha...

Vanessa Demouy join activists site porn- sex ..?

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To support the League against cancer and breast cancer prevention, five personalities have agreed to pose topless Vanessa Demouy, Chloé Lambert, Gwendoline Hamon, Anne Brochet and Julie Fou rn ier ... After , Vanessa Demouy topless for prevention against cancer. On this occasion Vanessa Demouy told "nudity makes sense. Showing her breasts to such a cause is not trivial. " She says "A very large part of my family has been touched by cancer, especially breast cancer. So I became almost hypochondriac, I mammograms every year. " bad news A course bad news was the photo of Vanessa DEMOUY join activists site porn- sex ..? Sex porn French site ,