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A greatest song :Rolling Stone listed #169 Losing My Religion.

R.E.M. - Losing My Religion Listed #169 greatest song by Rolling Stone. Wikivideo adding a famous song that has been notable in the past until now ,and forever... this is a brillant,classic...timeless . Played at Hyde Park a couple of years ago . You can going to see them again on August 30th at Twickenham. Can't wait ...before all watch this now ! If you would like to download this video music ,please drop a comment below this post.Wikivideo will send direct link to easy downloading as you needed. In the next ,don't forget to read our posts about Guide to create a video clip - also has link to free software and othe plugin ,tools to remix a video clip.( or you can subsribe to Wikivideo feedburner for faster reading our new posts.)