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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2009

Stupeflix.TV : your videos,keep up with Twitter to watch all live

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Can’t keep up with Twitter? Relax and watch it all live on Stupeflix.TV September 21st, 2009 ( clipped via stupeflix blog – Wondering what’s happening at an event right now? What your next destination looks like? What people are saying about you? Sure you could scour Twitter updates and battle your way through hundreds of web pages hoping for relevant information. Or you can just watch it live on your Stupeflix.TV personal channel! Today Stupeflix announces the public release of Stupeflix.TV , a web television service showing  exactly what you want to see as it is happening. To create a Stupeflix.TV channel , enter what you want to see – e.g. “ World Cup 2010 ” – and click play to instantly watch a short video displaying the last pictures posted on Flickr and the latest Twitter updates matching the channel. Stupeflix Studio: Your Online Video Production Headquarters Jeff Sep 14th. Stupeflix comes with a bundle of tools to make video creation eas...