On Tuesday, Billboard magazine named Leona its Top New Artist of the Year. According to Billboard, her credentials include being 2008’s best-selling new artist and the year’s fifth best-selling artist worldwide — plus, “Bleeding Love” is the best selling single of the year. Source: ETOnline.com Leona’s cover for her debut album, which is called Spirit, is GORGEOUS! Check out the official tracklist if you would like to knowing more , but for downloading video music of her i make a full shares on my express online storage for you by watching and downloading below this player.If you has difficults on download video music of LL , please drop a comments below this pos t,for that i will send full direct links (songs URLs) to you for free download all songs. In this first post i adding 6 songs that has been most notable of Leona Lewis. Spirit Album. 1. Bleeding Love(*) 2. Whatever It Takes 3. Homeless 4. Better In Time(*) 5. Yesterday 6. Take A Bow 7. I Will Be 8. Angel 9. Here I Am 10. I’m ...